You are viewing the qibla direction of the city of Bannu (Pakistan) on the online map. Find your location by browsing the online map. Qibla direction line of your position is given instantly. You can also learn your qibla angle for the compass for your location.
Qibla Angle:247.72°
Qibla Angle for Compass: 244.79
Kaaba Distance:403 km
Magnetic Deflection:2.93°
Bannu (Pakistan), your qibla angle with respect to true north is 247.72°. The qibla angle for magnetic compass is 244.79°. If you want to learn the qibla direction of your location in Bannu with a magnetic compass, you need to use the degree of "Qibla angle for compass". Because those who want to find the direction of qibla using a compass have to take into account the magnetic declination angle between true north and magnetic north.